Annual General Meeting and Election of Tripura Council for Child Welfare is declared. For details a PDF is attached at our Attachment Page named as “ELECTION NOTIFICATION”. Please click on the File to see all the details.
An Extra Ordinary General Meeting was held today(19/01/2014) in front of our Head Office. the Main agenda of the meeting was some constitutional amendment and declaration of Triennial General Election to be held on 23rd February 2014. Important amendment was … Continue reading
TCCW decided to call an Annual General Meeting on 19th January, 2014. So all the Hon’ble Life members are requested to attend the meeting positively to success the meeting at our Head Office premisses at 11 p.m. on Sunday(19/01/2014).
Some State Bank Employees(RASMECCC, Agartala) visited Shishu Greeha Agartala. Mr Subhadeep Chakraborty donated Rs.1500.00 from his 1st month salary, Mr Pradip Nath retired last month donated Rs.1100.00, Mr. Vijay Pravakar donated Rs.1500.00 and Mr Sanjoy Das donated Rs.500.00. They also … Continue reading